Grand Master Anthony Plant

Chairman of the British Institute of Martial Arts. 8th Degree black belt. BIMA senior lecturer in BIMA presentations. 

Mr Tony Richardson

Vice chairman of the British Institute of Martial Arts. 3nd Degree black belt & Lecturer in UK Law.  


Our founder

Grand master Neville Pearce. Founded BIMA in 1993. 

Training in the park.

Safe distance, and groups of 6 only. 


Presentations: We have regular presentations on everything you’ll need to know for martial arts. Anatomy, neurology, fear & the Law in the UK. 

Weapons Training.

13 years old and over. With world renewed expert Grand Master Anthony Plant

BIMA leadership Training

BIMA leadership training. 

Mamas lil Dragons

Is our special program for 3 years to 7 year olds. 

12 Station Rd, Stoke D’abernon, Cobham KT11 3BN

Mama Dragon; Susan Fortune.
 3rd degree black belt